SCOPE (Scalable Continuous Piloting Equipment) can be used as part of EPSE’s laboratory-scale Proof of Concept (PoC) test work. The equipment is designed to simulate EPSE’s large-scale on-site piloting equipment and demonstrate the functionality, and optimize OpEx and CapEx of the EPSE™ Method – all without having to transport heavy duty equipment to the customer’s site.
The EPSE™ Method is typically implemented via desktop assessment, laboratory scale proof of concept and pilot scale proof of concept, leading to scale up. SCOPE can be used as part of laboratory PoC to simulate the continuous EPSE treatment using real wastewater from the customer before deciding the next step in the customer process.
Where does S.C.O.P.E stand in EPSE Customer process?
1. Case background
Filled out Customer Card and EPSE expert Desktop Assessment to specify customer’s goals
2. Water sample
5-10 liters of water sample sent to EPSE Laboratory in Finland for EPSE Lab PoC test work: creating and optimizing a customized EPSE™ Method treatment recipe
3. Treatment optimization with SCOPE
SCOPE Pilot PoC helps further asses the chemical consumption and process parameters for EPSE™ Method scale-up
4. Deciding next steps
SCOPE Pilot PoC report with initial OPEX estimates to decide next step:
1. Industrial piloting
2. Method scale-up
Examples of how SCOPE can be used to simulate EPSE treatment:
- Batch run
- Continuous run
- Divided flow treatment
- Separation of metal complex
- Can be customized for any additional process measurements and analyses agreed with the customer