This week on Connections corner we want to highlight our newest partner from USA, Titan Resources Limited. This collaboration promises not just innovative solutions but also signals a paradigm shift in addressing the pressing issues surrounding Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) concerns. Our partner Mr. Blane Wilson, CEO of Titan Resources Limited, has given us some insights on this new partnership.
Titan resources Limited is a natural resource development company primarily focused on mining and energy. They operate in Nevada, US. When asked what the biggest ESG problems facing Nevada, Wilson emphasizes the perennial issue of clean water management in the state. “Clean water is always an issue in Nevada,” he asserts. With mining standing as one of Nevada’s largest industries, the daily management of mine and mill wastewater emerges as a critical concern. “Managing mine/mill wastewater is a significant item that must be addressed daily for every operational or closing mine,” Mr. Wilson explains.
The partnership between Titan Resources Limited and EPSE, is a collaboration aimed at revolutionizing water management practices in Nevada’s mining industry. With a shared vision for sustainability and commitment to technological innovation, both entities are poised to introduce groundbreaking solutions that transcend conventional approaches. “I have very high and great expectations for this new partnership. I have been involved with mining for over 35 years or my career, and this is one of the first water treatment systems that I have had the pleasure to work with that can result in significant cost savings to a mining company and provide usable water for the industry.“, Mr. Wilson elaborates his enthusiasm for this partnership.
This partnership has major potential to grow into something much bigger, “I believe once we prove the industry in Nevada the effectiveness and efficiency of the EPSE system, that the new partnership will grow significantly not only in the state of Nevada but also in the western regions of the United States and expand into other industries outside of mining”, Mr. Wilson shares his goals and potential that this collaboration holds.
In closing, the partnership between Titan Resources Limited and EPSE represents a beacon of hope for Nevada’s mining industry and beyond. With high expectations and boundless enthusiasm, the stage is set for this partnership to not only revolutionize water management practices but also to inspire positive change across industries and regions in the US. We at EPSE are also very grateful and optimistic towards this collaboration. Stay tuned for more insights from EPSE’s global network of collaborators.